Check out all of this totally scientific looking data! I don't even know what a "bounce rate" is, but mine is rocking the house! I've also just been informed that this site is the VERY FIRST site that comes up when one googles "tohoku exposure." BOOYAH. And see that snazzy chart labeled "map overlay?" That badboy allows me to check out just where all these dozens (yes, that is plural) of hits are coming from.
Which brings me to my final point: I would like to give a shout-out to the wonderful state of Illinois for dominating the site traffic with over 68%! Now either Rob has a serious Internet addiction or I have some new fans in the Buffalo Grove region. I like to think that it is the latter. All of this leaves me with just one question, though: Who the f do I know Maryland? Hopefully it's this guy:

no way, no way, think you need a new one