It's just...I mean, it's still English, right? Right? Fundamentally speaking, we speak the same language. This, however, is a perfect example of how the reality of a situation is never as simple as the basic elements would imply. You may think I'm joking. I wish. For those of you non-believers, this is the kind of stuff I'm talking about:
" ov corse im ere nairy...y do u gashes always hav 2 go out clubbing!!! indeed do hav a quiet ends has a really gud pub..."
...What? These are the types of facebook posts and emails I have to deal with, guys! What is it about the British that entitles them to ignore syntax in its entirety? How about this gem:
"cba. ur such a scrape anyway. div. good thing ur buff."
Thanks!! I think. Maybe? I wonder what it says about me that I can communicate more easily with my Japanese coworkers than my English girlfriend. Probably that I'm awesome. I mean, I guess I could learn, but I'm American! Nobody makes me learn against my will.
And now, just because I can, MONKEYS!
what you got in that bag