First, yes I am pained greatly by the temporary loss of Greg Oden. Key word: TEMPORARY. However, it has done next to nothing in terms of damaging my hopes for the season. People seem to forget that this house was being built before he even stepped in the door. Even if Oden came in and performed to every one's expectations, it was still going to be Lamarcus' scoring that carries the team. As such, everyone just needs to take a breath, and wait a bit longer. That and pray we work on our fast break offense and defensive boards. That and Bust a Bucket.
Second, though a bit unrelated, I would like to address the so-called "fair weather fans." I use quotations here because I do not accept the validity of this term. It is inherently contradictory and thus invalid terminology. You see, a fan isn't someone who likes a certain team. A fan is someone who needs their team, and in return is needed by the team. Becoming a fan is strikingly similar to entering into a symbiotic relationship. While it is not for me to say which is the host, it is clearly a relationship of mutual reciprocation. A fan lives and dies with the ups and downs of his team. A fan will risk the sometimes-life-threatening repercussions of scorning a lover by choosing to watch the game rather than spend time with him/her. A fan has broken at least one of his own personal possessions as a result of his team's misfortunes (or at least seriously considered it). A fan shun and even refuse to acknowledge the existence of another human simply for being a fan of a rival team (read: Lakers fan).
A fan doesn't need to know stats or numbers, though. They simply need to have that love, that connection, with their team. So I ask you all: Are are you a fan, or are you just watching the game?

Bust a Bucket who'd a dunk it Blazer duty Super sunk it Slamn' Geez it Killer Three's it go up get got it good