Though at first I was confused, I have hence come to see just what is meant by this and what is wrong with it. Essentially what happened is this: someone decided that he was tired of buses that only run once or twice an hour and are unreliable at best, and went ahead and started his own bus line without consulting the city. The nerve! Using unofficial, gaudy, state-of-the-art buses designed to stand out from the standard red and white wooden models the city uses, this black market public transportation has been deceiving citizens day after day while needlessly getting them to their destinations earlier and offering unsanctioned and preposterous convenience to bus-riders day in and day out. Can you imagine the horror of having your 45 minute wait for the bus cut short without notice and arriving at your destination long before intended? I don't know about you, but it gives me the willies just thinking about it.
But fear not, I have been assured that the authorities have the situation well in hand. To start, they are attempting to raise awareness by advertising for, I mean informing you of the danger of, these other buses with fliers posted in every single bus. They are also working on a method to spot and deal with these felonious cabbies. I understand it's going to be very high tech and require every branch of the local law enforcement to tackle it, but that's more than enough assurance to help me sleep sound at night. 2 bus companies in one town, bah. What's next, a second phone company?
Silver buses with giant pandas on top are a dead giveaway